Hey, I am CuB1

a Software Engineering Student

19 year old.
Rey Juan Carlos University. Madrid, Spain.


The 8 Ball Brand

Express Node JavaScript HTML CSS

Auction site developed for a University project using Express and Node.js, where users can bid on items and sell their own. The site uses a local database to store user information and items for sale.

Auction site developed for a University project using Express and Node.js.

Monopoly Bank Application

Java XML

Terminal based Monopoly Bank Application developed for a University project using Java. The application allows users to play different games of Monopoly and keep track of their money.

Terminal based Monopoly Bank Application developed for a University project using Java.

About Me

My name is Diego Sánchez

I am currently studying Software Engineering at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid.

I consider myself a responsible and committed person in my work.

In addition to my degree, I enjoy self-learning and experimenting with new technologies to expand my knowledge.

CuB1 profile picture
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